Monday, November 29, 2004

Jellied cranberry sauce in the can - Fuck yeah!

Why Thanksgiving is awesome: Food.

Also: Leftovers in rubbermaid containers.

Why Thanksgiving is sometimes less than awesome: Being yelled at for not getting out of bed early enough, being yelled at for not doing the dishes the night before, being yelled at for not turning the car around when your girlfriend realizes she left her precious cellphone at home. Instead of a friendly greeting, receive list of chores from said girlfriend's father, which include assembling a dining room chair with less than sufficient tools and getting grease all over my fingers and nicest clothes. Greet girlfriend's relatives and get ignored by them the rest of the afternoon. After they leave, have failed conversations with gf's father about bob dylan, alfred hitchcock, and bartending techniques. Being stuck there the next day, let 'the family' go to the mall for six hours while I remain at the house with nothing to do but watch college football and eat and steal about a finger of cognac from the bar. Witness fights and emotional breakdowns among said family upon return. Sleep on a mat on the floor two nights in a row. Then drive home in the rain and girlfriend goes to work for practically two days straight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm, awesome? Hey any word on the giant mega-plex Aon? I assume not since no mention in your post.