Thursday, May 24, 2007

Labor Daze

This was going to originally be some sort of bloggy grab bag, summing up the last month in my effortlessly witty style. I'd touch on such subjects as my 28th birthday, my parents visiting, my adventures at Soundbar with my friend Margot, my new haircut, Mandy's surprising visit to my cubicle yesterday, my plan to become temporarily vegetarian as an experiment, being super excited to see Knocked Up next weekend, and, I don't know, maybe some rant about how all my favorite TV shows always get prematurely cancelled.

But, well, that all seems like a ton of work. And right now WORK is not my strong suit, I'll return to some of those other things in a later issue, perhaps, but right now I can't seem to find the energy.

Now, work. Lately I've tried to avoid writing about this subject, a) because it is boring, b) because no one cares, and c) because I wouldn't want something so cliched as a boss stumbling onto this page and reading this sentence. Until I posted that ridiculous vacation picture I also tried to be strictly anonymous, though if someone was so inclined they could probably track me down and stab me quite easily. Which I wouldn't necessarily mind, I like meeting new people. But, truthfully, the real reason I stopped writing about work has more to do with the fact that I want to give the impression that I do, in fact, have a worthwhile job and I am a hard-working productive member of society, and am not completely miserable career-wise. These impressions would be completely false, obviously, but at the very least I can have an excuse for not writing for a whole month.

My current job: a) has basically run into a dead-end careerwise, since my position probably will be eliminated within a year and there's no clear path from here. b) is soul-suckingly boring, and I have no desire to do it for another year. c) pays the bills.

Logic seems to say I should quit and find something else, which sounds like good advice. But I seriously have no clue about what job I'd actually like to have, I just know I probably won't find it here. Unemployment would be fun for a month, but after that it'll be horrible, just like all the other times. But at least I'll be forced to find something else. Life is short and all that.

Quite the dilemma, I know. I won't bore you to tears any more, but if anyone has a job opening for someone with a liberal arts degree and no experience lemme know.

The Bright Side = Three day weekend!!!!!!