Friday, July 23, 2004

paint the red states blue

I'm debating whether or not the average American citizen is a complete moron.  Bush seems to only talk in catch-phrases, probably because short phrases are the only thing he can speak coherently.  "I'm a uniter, not a divider"?  what the fuck is that shit?  From the 2000 campaign, and four years later we're equally split on reelecting the most right-wing, uncompromising president ever.  And now his campaign seems to be using his stubbornness as a good thing.  Being a jackass not does make a strong leader.  And it also seems that Bush deflects criticism by coming up with catchy names for laws.  The "Clear Skies" initiative sounds great, I love the environment, and so does W, with a law like that.  But of course the non-morons who actually read the smaller print under the headline before they page through looking for the day's "Get Fuzzy" would see that the law actually lifts emissions restrictions set up by the Clinton administration, and also gives giant polluters a extra 15 or so years to voluntarily comply.  Not to mention the tearing up of forests and mining and drilling in former wildlife refuges.  The "No Child Left Behind" act sounds pretty good too, except it essentially shrinks the education budget down to nothing.  Today Bush tried to court African-American voters, telling them his kick-ass tax cut which sent the economy into a downward spiral is now helping create more jobs for their communities.  yo'K! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a couple more...

-The Patriot Act, which in actuality grossly invades or eradicates personal rights of information privacy

-the 2001 "budget surplus $300 refund", which somehow, in some magical land of bizzaro thinking called "Bushtopia", was supposed to kick start a decent economy. Instead, it drained a rare surplus that could have been saved for the future or used to pay of trillions of debt owed to other countries.