Thursday, March 10, 2005

Party like it's 1999 (again)

Today is a Thursday that feels like a Friday, which makes sense, because this past Tuesday also felt like a Friday, which means that tomorrow (Friday) will probably feel like a Saturday, and I'll be wondering why I'm at work. Rarely has a weekend held so much potential as this upcoming one does, due to the fact that everyone I've ever known has decided to come to the city for the weekend, including M/Andy and possibly, probably, just maybe my rival blogger and former sidekick NRohan, whose possible stay at my apartment prompted the following discussion last night:

M (my girlfriend): Tomorrow night you can clean the bathroom and vacuum the carpets.
N (me): Wha? It's just Nate. If anything we should pile up some empty pizza boxes to make him feel at home.
M: Oh, man, and he's going to be dirtying up my new furniture?
N: Ha, ha, IN YOUR FACE!!!!!

Well, I'm just paraphrasing. Aside from my ol' Cville homies visiting, there isn't much of a plan for the weekend, but I'm guessing at least 5 of the following 7 things will occur:

1. Nate will have a crazy story about how the relatively straight-forward (3.5 hours according to MapQuest) trip turned into an epic Lord of the Flies-style life-threatening showdown between man and beast and/or machine, and will delay his arrival until sunday noon-ish.
2. Alcohol will be consumed.
3. My street cred amoung friends will be badly damaged when they see the girly decorations in my apartment.
4. The phrase "I dunno, what do you guys feel like doing" will be uttered more than once.
5. Buildings over three stories tall and 8.75% sales tax will shock and awe.
6. In the company of old friends, I will revert back to age 20, which will prompt M to break up with me immediately.
7. Everyone will have an awful time, which we'll all blame on the weather, but secretly know deep in our hearts that we hate each other, and will never speak again.

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