Thursday, September 15, 2005

Summer Jamz '05

I know it's been so long, but I refuse to offer any apologies. Been busy, deal with it. Last night, for example, I tied a thermos to a kitchen chair with yarn, and then took a picture of it.

This weekend I'm going to Madison for a wedding. It will be my third consecutive weekend traveling to Wisconsin (1. camping labor day in new glarus 2. wedding in appleton) For this wedding M is the maid of honor. So we have to go to the rehearsal/dinner combo on friday, but after that I will enjoy our fancy hotel room with pool and watch college football on saturday. The wedding is late, and the reception at the hotel, so I can feign stomach pains and leave whenever I feel like it and order Pokey Sticks. Also plan on visiting old haunts (B-side records!) and possibly stocking up on cheap groceries. I will know a few people at the wedding, and M's dad, but nobody that's going to guarantee a good time. Unlike last weekend, which was the best time I've ever had at a wedding in years, if not ever. It seems like it's less fun for the people who are actually getting married, so count me out for awhile yet.

Yesterday after work I went to an Open House at an Insurance Company in the building taller than mine. There were games, like answering questions about insurance and then throwing a ball into buckets, bozo-style. There was also a drawing for ipods and portable dvd players. I won a slinky at the game, but no fancy electronics. I also had two beers and something large covered in chocolate. Being there for 30 minutes, I should have gotten 100 beers, it was so lame. Lame. Lame lame lame.

When I was on the golf team in high school my senior year, my golf coach (and freshman science teacher), upon realizing that I would not contribute anything to the team that year, told me he'd at least like to make me a respectable corporate golfer. I guess this means that I could go golfing with a bunch of suits and 'close deals' or whatever the hell I'm supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm there yet, unless 'close deals' means lose 23 balls. Granted, a few weeks ago was my first time in 5 years, but still. I hoped I'd have suddenly gained some ability over time not playing. Nope. Still horrible. Really horrible. I wonder if my own mother, who to my knowledge has ever touched a golf club, and is not very athletic (though she does do aerobics), could beat me at golf. I'd say there's about a 30% chance she could. My name should be golf slang for doing really badly. "How'd ya do on the links today, Frank?" "Awful, I was nicking them all over the place. Every other hole I was nicking myself silly."

Camping was OK, weather was nice. It's a lot different going camping with your girlfriend than going camping with 6 pals from high school. For one, the person who drinks the most is honored the next day. In the other, you get yelled at for puking on someone's birkenstock sandal. For one, everyone takes turns starting fires and cooking. But not in the other. In one, you whine to each other about not having girlfriends to bring camping, and in the other you wonder how many more daddylonglegs spiders you have to kill before you go crazy. Ironically enough, this was the first time I've been camping where there was a campsite filled with single, 20 yr old girls.

I think it's pretty weak to talk about this, but my fantasy football team is great. The Wyld Stallyns are the points leader after week 1 in both my leagues.

I'll write more, I promise.

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