Post about the Grand Canyon
Short version:
Don't hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back in July. Or, perhaps, ever.
Long version:
Sure, I have some self-esteem issues. For instance, I always am fixing my hair anytime I catch my reflection. And I hate every picture taken of me. Plus the whole eyebrow issue. And I'm not too smrt. Anyway, in the past I rarely was caught in public wearing sandals or flipflops because I hate my feet. There's too much hair going on, plus a couple ingrown toenails in the late 1990s causing really weird looking toes, with nails that seem too big for the toes with too great of a convexity, causing much pain when stepped on. Lately I have been wondering around in flip-flops in the neighborhood once in a while, but mostly because sometimes it is too hot to give a fuck. But now, post AGC (Anno Grand Canyon), no one should gaze upon my feet with a full stomach. Before July 6th I don't think I ever had a blister on my feet. Maybe once or twice, but obviously nothing memorable. Well, after hiking down to the bottom, I had one dime, two nickel, and one quarter sized blisters. On the way up, the ones on my heel burst (one nickel and one quarter) and were replaced by new, equal size blisters. One on my big toe actually grew a blister on top of another blister. Plus, a day or so later, I notice the nail on my right big toe was half-black from blood underneath, something that still remains nearly two months later.
So, that pretty much sums it up. Oh, the temp at the bottom was 115 degrees in the shade. There was AC in the cabin, luckily. I saw many scorpions under a blacklight. About a mile from the top coming down I twisted my ankle, and about a mile from the top going up I literally wanted to collapse and die. I didn't, in case you were wondering.
Go walk on a treadmill for seven hours at the highest grade while standing next to an open oven. Kind of like that.
Here are some pics. We accidentally took the broken camera, so we didn't have too many in focus. Unfortunately all the pictures of me had my hair looking terrible.

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