Sunday, May 28, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth... that it is fucking hot today

About five minutes ago I was sitting at the computer, surfing the web idly and listening my yahoo radio station, when I heard a loud 'bang.' I thought to myself, "Gee, that nearly sounded like a gunshot." A minute or so later I heard a similar noise, repeated a few times. I walked into the living room and asked M what it was. Then we started hearing it in rapid succession, and it sounded like it was coming from somewhere close. Ten seconds later I looked to find both M and I on our belly's lying on the wooden living room floor. I heard our upstairs neighbors' footsteps scampering around. Only when I heard the sizzle of an exploding roman candle did I realize that fireworks were being set off, instead of being a close witness to a Wicker Park drive-by.

My parents visited this weekend, Saturday to Sunday, bringing us a futon suitable for inebriated guests and helped us hang pictures on our cardboard-plaster walls. We walked around my new neighborhood and downtown, ate pizza and drank micro-brews, took squinty-eyed pictures of each other. Today we went downtown and to Navy Pier, my parents took pictures of various buildings, most noticeably the Chicago Theater, whose impressive sign caught their attention. What didn't seem to catch their attention was the fact that the Chicago Theater marquee was welcoming "International Mr. Leather 2006."

What a horrible weekend to be hosting such an event, temps in the 90s today. By the way, if anyone googling 'international mr. leather 2006' winds up on this webpage, welcome!

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