Thursday, March 31, 2005

Props! Vol. 1

"Props!" is a new feature on this site that will basically consist of a short list of things that are cool, things that are awesome, things that are recommended, and things that rule. I, therefore, will be giving mad "props" to everything on the list. Perhaps there is a better title, even though I intend this one to be goofy, but I really can't think of anything. The true purpose of this and, if any, future posts is to generate some sort of discussion, because God knows writing out all my most intimate, personal thoughts sure as fuck isn't working, you heartless motherfucking bastards. Anyway, please enjoy.

1. Having your apartment windows open. Spring is the best season, and it officially starts when you open all of the windows in your apartment (if you have an actually house then our petty 'seasons' don't actually apply to you, lord fancypants) and feel the sweet 50 degree breeze coming in. Bonus points for keeping the windows open even as the temperature drops and you know it's far to cold but you can't bear to shut the windows because it's spring! Spring, finally, about time, it's already the end of March, what took so long?

2. David Gordon Green. Unlike the recent wave of wunderkind film directors (Jonze, Russell, Payne, W. and P.T. Anderson, who I all love), DGG isn't willing to give an inch to anyone, and isn't afraid to throw the script out the window. That explains why you maybe haven't heard of him, but it also explains why he's making the most unclassifiable and exciting movies of the current decade. Reading an interview of his, or, better yet, listening to his director commentaries makes me remember how amazing film can be.

3. Spoon's "A Series of Sneaks", 1998. I'm still not fully sure about the upcoming Spoon album, scheduled for May release, but this is one I keep coming back to time and time again. Songs are short and sweet and spare, little Revolver-esque bursts of guitar and verses that go: "M-M-My, M-M-My, M-M-My-M-Ma " and still sound like the most fantastic things you've ever heard. "30 Gallon Tank" singlehandedly made me appreciate the value of a good drummer, and the two major-label dissing bonus tracks are like icing on the cake. I have 800 songs on my iPod, and I've listened to this album at least once a week (for the past two years).

4. Hooded Sweatshirts. Or, 'hoodies,' if you will. Whether if it's a brisk spring day, or at a summer bonfire, or if you're kissing your eighth grade girlfriend for the first time, you can't go wrong with a hooded sweatshirt. Practical, comfortable, what more do you need?

5. 57th Street Books, Chicago. I know most of my international fanbase might be a bit offended by me recommending a bookstore in my own neighborhood, and for that I'm sorry. But this place is awesome. You walk in and think, "this looks interesting, it's small and quaint, and has a lot of rad books," but then you see a door towards the back. You walk through it and are in another room, with more awesome books. Repeat the process 5 times and you have a bookstore which is like a borders with only the best parts, plus parts too cool for a borders.

6. Enchiladas. They are surprisingly easy to make, and are delicious as well. Best served with a couple margaritas on the rocks.

7. Girls who dress hot when at the office. I'm not sure if this is a recent trend or what, but it sure makes the walk between the train and the office some of the best eight minutes of my day. Keep it up, ladeeez.

8. Drinking like a man. When I was 19, I'd drink: Malibu Rum, Peach Schnapps, Vodka, Orange Juice, Cranberry Juice, and a dash of grenadine all mixed together. Now: two fingers of bourbon, straight up. Remember, kids, Neat is Cool when it comes to booze.

9. Mr. Goodbar. As the black sheep of the Hershey's family, Mr. G often gets a bad rap. But it's just like a Hershey bar, except with peanuts. What's wrong with that? Just because it doesn't have the name recognition doesn't mean you have to complain when you get it in your halloween bag.


Anonymous said...

I'll see the enchiladas (which I just made for the first time ever, without a recipe, and which turned out awesome) and raise you a THREE-STORY used bookstore in downtown Champaign.


Anonymous said...

wait... what about girls who can drink their bourbon neat? is that still drinking like a man? and does it qualify for the list?

N. said...

girls who drink bourbon neat are almost too awesome for this list, along with 'actual' sex on the beach. My mind is officially blown!

Anonymous said...

how did i never realize how awesome 57th street books is until this weekend? went on your recommendation. fantastic! the sem coop is good too, but not used books. i thought they were both places with books only for people smarter than me, but they have readable stuff too! thanks!