Thursday, August 12, 2004

Local News

I finally have internet access at home, though it's only dial-up.  It's shockingly slow.  Last night I went out with my friend Jackie, dinner, too many drinks, and an eyebrow piercing.  Not mine.  It was a pretty good time.  Today I'll work late and then do a million things at home, Friday I'll finish up cleaning the old apartment and then M. is coming to visit for the weekend, which i guarantee will be the most fun I'll have had for a few weeks. 
Random thought, a couple weeks later:
After John Kerry's speech at the DNC, Bush was asked what he thought of it.  He replied that he did not stay up to watch it, and had to be filled in by his advisors.  Now, Kerry's speech ran from about 9:10 to 9:55, Central Time (Bush was in Texas at the time).  Now, and I'm trying to be non-partisan about this, but this means that Bush went to sleep by about 9 pm.  He also said something to the same effect during the 2000 campaign, when asked if he saw his portrayal on SNL.  While i agree that plenty of rest is important, I always thought the President was too busy for sleep, which always contributed to the rapid aging that takes place when the office is held.  I always figured the Prez would finally be rid of advisors and finish reading that last report sometime around 2:30 am, and then would catch a few restless winks while dreaming of how to improve the economy, and wake at 5 with a busy agenda.  Bush on the other hand, is on vacation constantly, apparently sleeps like a newborn baby, and does not watch the TV news or read any newspapers, as he also has admitted.  Draw your own conclusions.

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