I will no longer do the Devil's Dishes
Today at work, while sending off a last minute super urgent need this yesterday document to a client, I marveled at my impressive work ethic. You see, it was quite late, and, though tempted by the chance to go home, I stuck it out and made some magic happen. (this was after I found out I lost both of the two biggest accounts I've seen since August). The brief moment spent 'in the zone' made up for the late hours.
Until I realized that it was only 15 minutes later than I usual stay. Since it was dark by 4:15 I lost track of things. I wonder if I should go into work earlier during the winter? It's weird, now I've been getting up around 7:45 and getting to the office at 8:50; at my previous job I got up at 6:30 and to work by 8 on the dot. I rarely stay up past 11, so that means way too much sleep. Granted, some of that sleep is spent hitting the snooze bar 8 times before M finally leaves, I'm not sure how much of that counts.
Last weekend sucked. I should have been getting tear-gassed on State St, instead I ended up staying home and did nothing. I had a party invite, but it was on the north side and I didn't have a clear transportation plan for the way home. As promised, Saturday morning I did shave my 40 day beard into the most hideous moustache ever. M came home around 5 pm. I think if she would have found me in bed with 2 girls and a guy she would have been less pissed off. Despite protest, it stayed attached until the next day, and was showed off for all the neighborhood to see. Now I look 8 years younger and have a spring in my step.
I just finished the "Veronica Mars" season 1 dvd. Highly recommended. Once I catch up on the new episodes I've taped it will join AD as the only shows worth watching. But I doubt it will ever live up to the first season.
The novel writing starts tomorrow, and as of now I am serious about it. I just looked at something I wrote in a week a few years ago (while unemployed, granted) and it was 12,000 words. So I had the pace right, at least. Please leave any random elements or characters you'd like featured in my first novel in the comments section. I will include them in my story, and email you the section in which it occurs. If it turns out semi-non-horrible, I may find a way to post the whole thing. We'll see what happens. I figure once my November is over, I'll be able to devote December to the best of 2k5. Lots of tough choices to make already.